Friday 3 December 2010

Agony Aunt website lift-off

My website is now live which is very exciting. For anyone who wants a peek go to I am the Agony Aunt for Now magazine. Feel free to send me your problems! One of my probs is that I have much to learn about blogging and tweeting! I guess you just chimp around on the keys and see what happens...

Sunday 28 November 2010


Grief is a funny old thing...and it's utterly individual. My brother-in-law, Andy Holmes, died last month at only 51 years old. His funeral and his memorial went beautifully. His brother, my husband Simon, organised everything and was an absolute star.

God bless Andy, Gabby, his children, his mum, his brothers and all the family xxx

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Puffing Billy

Just back from a round of endless ball chucking. Billy is puffed out - a real puffing Billy we have now...As usual he attracts admirers wherever he goes. Trying to do two blogs now - this one and The Dog With The Pearl Earring!

Saturday 11 September 2010

Billy in Dorset

Here we are in gorgeous West Dorset having a wonderful time! Billy and I love it here and we aren't at all surprised that the location is being used in the new film Tamara Drewe. Director Stephen Frears says' West Dorset is breathtakingly beautiful' and we heartily agree. It is one of our favourite places in the world.

Monday 6 September 2010


I am now attempting a full on blog about Billy, my very wise dog. Have I explained why I'm calling this blog The Dog With The Pearl Earring? I think so but if not I will later. Billy is now 14 months old and has brought enormous amounts of joy to me. I am sure he was God sent. Like all doggies he offers unconditional love and he teaches me so many things too. One of the many tricks is how to live in the moment. He is such a good example of that! He's not worried about yesterday or anxious about tomorrow - he lives in the present and enjoys himself 99% of the time. And the 1% he doesn't, such as the very rare occasion when another dog gives him a bit of trouble, he simply walks away and bears no grudges. It's as if he's saying 'That's his problem!'. Mind you, if he's hurt at all, like the time he stepped on something sharp out in a field, or when the vet gave him an injection for a dog bite, he howled the place down. He's not going to suppress his pain - he's going to let us know about it! But then he lets it go...

I love Billy with a passion - and because of his wonderful nature I want to find him a wife when he's about 18 months old so he and Mrs Billy can have babies...
Hmmm, still trying to work out this blogging thing...Can I have two blogs? One for me and one for Billy,my very wise dog?

Exciting news - I have a publishing date for my book. January 6th 2011! But now for the editing phase...

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Welcome to my Blog

Hello All, Welcome to my blog! Not sure how to go about this at all but will get cracking in some way or another...Can I have two blogs? I guess so...I want to do one about my darling doggie Billy who is 14 months old. Shall I call it Dog Blog? Or The Dog With The Pearl Earring? I'm inspired by the second one because Billy swallowed one of my pearl earrings and we had to follow him around until nature gave it back to us.

Billy is a boy of great taste. He loves parma ham, smoked salmon, the odd prawn, chicken and, curiously, the odd raw courgette. He is not at all greedy, in fact he is quite picky. If he doesn't fancy something he's quite happy to ignore his food until something more interesting turns up.Of course we're making rods for backs and all that but he is SO LOVABLE!

Now the typing has got smaller and I can't find out how to change the font size...Just as I was getting into it. I'd better save for the moment...